Catholic Church is known as one of the most important religious institutions in Monroe County.

Managed IT Services to Florida Nonprofit

Religious and Community service Non-ProfitServices:
Managed IT Services & SupportChallenge
The tech necessities of a church are supposed to be limited, however, as the world is evolving, religious institutions are not the exception.
In this case, after the revamping of the facilities and the construction of the new Church Office and Church residency, several challenges in collaboration, tech support, network, and wireless infrastructure had to be faced.
In order to address all these challenges and improve the experience of the team, the resources of a full Managed Services Provider were well needed, a structured plan to action had to be on point due to the remote location of the facility.
Based on the great relationship with religious institutions and proven experience in the non-profit industry of NetVoiX Inc, we put on the task to design, deploy and manage the entire project and infrastructure, taking into consideration a constrained budget. Due to the lack of connectivity through the 4 buildings that form parts of the whole church campus, the first step to take was to design a new topology for the wireless and network setup.
The second step was to install email and file sharing solutions and deploy a cloud collaboration solution that enables the full capacity of the institution while saving around 70% of the monthly phone bill as well as in the subscriptions.
And last but not least, taking over the current status and support of all the endpoint and computer of the church’s team.
The execution of the project took place in record time, all the buildings now had full and stable connectivity, the team now was having an improved and more efficient workflow, new applications, a better and scalable collaboration system, and reliable tech support due to our managed services agreement.
The church has now increased its capacity to preach, expand its services, and, overall an enhanced experience.