Right in the heart of the Miami neighborhood, with more than 80 years of establishment, a Catholic Church counts with a lot of history and influence in the main area of Miami Dade County.

Live Streaming Solution for a Miami Neighborhood Church

Religious and Community service Non-ProfitServices:
IT Consultancy, Cloud Computing and Cyber SecurityChallenge
Due to the constant evolution of technology, the way of living and preaching a religion also evolved. Adding the new limitation on the number of people that can be gathered generated the vivid necessity of preaching and giving the mass beyond the normal way.
To address this challenge, NetVoiX was required to find and implement a solution that allows the parishioners to watch and experience the mass and/or events from any location with a good quality of service, as well as allow the church’s workers to manage the services easily and from any remote location if needed.
Our team is not afraid of going the extra mile when is needed, and in this case, after doing the proper research, we recommended implementing a live streaming solution in order to address the need of the church.
Taking into consideration a constrained budget and poor internet reliability in the church, a wireless internet bridge between the church and the school was recommended as well.
Needless to say, the NetVoiX Team is proud to provide solutions and help in this type of project; the outcome of such a project was massive.
Reaching parishioners far more than just the people present in the church improved the experience exponentially, expanding the services inquiries to the church and getting the religious closer to the house of God.